Payroll update 5 March 2025
Kia ora koutou
We hope your students have settled in and your term is progressing well. The payroll update is a short one this week, with only one notice.
More terminated jobs are now eligible for the School Support Staff, Kaiārahi I te Reo and Primary Teachers' collective agreement variations
Some employees will receive back pay and/or lump sum payments in pay period 26 (pay day 18 March) due to a Public Service Pay Adjustment (PSPA) agreement variation in 2022/2023. These employees’ jobs weren’t initially included in the scope of the variation as the jobs were terminated before the ratification date. The scope has now been widened and some jobs that were not included in the earlier payments are now eligible.
Some employees with multiple jobs may have received a payment last year for a job that was in scope. If another of their jobs has now come into scope they will receive another payment.
Schools will receive additional funding to cover the cost of this change. The Ministry intends to pay this to schools as an out-of-cycle payment by mid-April. Schools will receive a letter via the Secure Data Portal outlining this funding.
If you need more information, please contact your payroll advisor.
Thank you for all your work completing the Start of Year tasks. Please take our Start of Year survey to let us know if there’s anything we can do to make it easier for you next year.
Ngā mihi
Education Payroll