Payroll Update 23 May 2024

News for School Payroll Staff


Kia ora koutou

Short-term relief teachers who received a lump sum / additional payment for short term relief work as part of the 2023 collective agreement settlements will have their payment(s) recalculated. In some cases, the recalculation will result in an increased payment being made and this will occur in pay period 5, pay day 28 May. 

This will not appear in your SUE report as the changes are centrally funded with no cost to the school.

Why is this payment being made?

When these payments were first made, they were calculated on the number of short-term relief hours only, that had been paid to the teachers in the eligible period. In November 2023, the Ministry of Education and unions then confirmed that the pro-rated payments for short-term relievers should be based on all hours worked in the relevant period, whether it be as a short-term relief, part-time or full-time teacher.

If the new amount is greater than what a teacher originally received, the difference will be paid in pay period 5, pay day 28 May 2024.

If the new amount is the same, or less, than the teacher originally received, then no adjustment will be made.

Recalculation detail

We’ve included details of the agreements and payments involved at the end of this email.

Relievers who receive an increased payment will be able to see this on their payslip, categorised as 0049 MOE Payment.

For further support, please contact your payroll advisor.

Employment agreement

Payments agreed

(all pro-rated)

Paid to

Previously paid on

Recalculation for short term relievers paid in PP05 (28 May 2024)

Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2023-25 or Individual Employment Agreement (IEA)


Union members

25 July 2023

% of the total number of days worked (5 hours = 1 day) of 128 available days 17/10/22 – 12/06/2023

Non-union members

17 October 2023


Union members

25 July 2023

Secondary Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2022-25 or IEA


Union members

5 September 2023

% of the total number of days worked (5 hours = 1 day) of 160 available days 17/10/22 – 09/08/2023

Non-union members

14 November 2023


Union members

5 September 2023

Area School Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2023-25 or IEA


Union members

5 September 2023

% of the total number of days worked (5 hours = 1 day) of 167 available days 17/10/22 – 18/08/2023

Non-union members

12 December 2023


Union members

5 September 2023

NB: The $710 Teaching Council fees payment to union members will not be recalculated, because all eligible teachers were paid the full amount.

Ngā mihi

Education Payroll