Payroll Update 25 January 2024
Kia ora koutou
- What is annualisation?
- Annualisation in pay periods 23 and 24
- Start of Year guides and help
- 2023 audit reports
- Changes from new collective agreements in pay period 23
- Entering new relief teachers in EdPay
- MITA and PBITA can now be added in EdPay
- EdPay scheduled maintenance – 26/01/2024 5–6pm
1. What is annualisation?
Annualisation is the process of spreading out the earnings of support staff who only work during term time into equal fortnightly pays throughout the year (including during school holidays).
Unfortunately, annualisation doesn’t roll over, so a new EP23nt form needs to be sent in each year.
The last day to submit EP23nt forms for support staff for 2024 annualisation is 29/01/2024.
If a term-time-only employee is becoming annualised in 2024 you only need to send in an EP23nt, they don’t need to be restarted in the Start of Year screen.
If you are annualising a new job, submit the New Hire/Onboarding in EdPay. If it creates a ticket number, reply to the ticket with the EP23nt so they can be processed together.
There is also a video about annualisations (Opens in, 2mins)
2. Annualisation in pay periods 23 and 24
In pay period 23, pay day 05/02/2024, annualised employees will be paid a portion of their 2023 earnings (from 24/01/2024 to 30/01/2024) and a portion of the 2024 earnings (31/01/2024 to 6/02/2024).
This means the amount they are paid will differ slightly from the amount received in 2023 or will receive in 2024, but it is correct. From pay period 24, they will begin receiving the amount according to their 2024 annualisation agreement.
Annualised employees who completed the 2023 annualisation period (ends 30/01/2024) and who are owed a top-up amount, will receive it in pay period 24, pay day 20/02/2024.
Top-up amounts may include a holiday pay top-up for additional hours worked throughout the year, or a percentage of gross earnings for pay periods 19–22 if they were term-time-only in 2022 but annualised in 2023.
3. Start of Year guides and help
Start of Year restart job tab should be zero
Check that you have restarted all your term-time-only employees and fixed-term teachers for the 2024 school year in the Start of Year Restart job tab.
Click the Add employee to be restarted box to see which employees still have jobs to be restarted.

The job counter along the bottom of your screen needs to be at zero.

Start of Year step-by-step process (
Start of Year Guide 2024 (PDF, 1.5MB)
Start of Year actions tool to find out whether to use EdPay or a form (
Start of Year 2024 video (opens in, 4 mins)
4. 2023 audit reports
The 2023 audit reports will be available from 02/02/2024. Schools will need these reports to complete their financial statements:
- School Annual Accrual Report (SAAR) – in EdPay
- Leave liability reports – in EdPay
- Overpayments error schedule – in the Ministry of Education’s (the Ministry) Secure Data Portal
- Funding code error schedule – Ministry’s Secure Data Portal
School’s financial statements need to be with auditors by 31/03/2024, and annual reports submitted to the Ministry by 31/05/2024.
The Ministry is preparing detailed instructions which will be available on their website soon. If you need help with the 2023 annual financial statements contact your regional Ministry school financial advisor, their contact details are on this page:
Managing school finances – Education in New Zealand
For more info: Audit requirements for payroll records (
5. Changes from new collective agreements in pay period 23
In pay period 23, pay day 05/02/2024, there will be pay and/or sick leave changes for employees on some new collective or individual employment agreements.
Please read the Payroll Update 17 January 2024 for more info about these changes.
6. Entering new relief teachers in EdPay
We have made some changes in EdPay to make it easier to set up new relief teachers. If the Employee position is: Primary, Area or Secondary – Relief teacher and the Tenure is: Short-Term Reliever, then:
- the hours, designation and job funding fields will be pre-populated, and
- we have deactivated the RTLB host school name and number and allowances sections (because they are not applicable for relieving jobs).
7. MITA and PBITA can now be added in EdPay
Māori Immersion Teacher Allowance (MITA) recognises the skills and knowledge required to teach the curriculum in te reo Māori. It is available to teachers and principals who meet the eligibility criteria set out in their CA or IEA.
Pacific Bilingual Immersion Teaching Allowance (PBITA) recognises the skills teachers must have to deliver teaching and learning through a Pacific language in a bilingual or immersion context in a school or kura. It is available to primary principals on the PPCBU CA, and to primary principals and teachers, secondary teachers, and area school principals and teachers from 28/01/2024, who meet the eligibility criteria in their CA or IEA.
MITA and PBITA can now be added in EdPay for teachers on the latest CA or IEA. Schools will be responsible for approving eligibility for their employees to receive an allowance.
Go to EdPay training | Allowance changes ( for step-by-step instructions about making allowance changes in EdPay.
MITA requests for all principals and teachers on older agreements will still need to be sent on a MITA form (EP37t) or the EP38t for the additional allowance.
PBITA requests for principals will need to be sent on a PBITA form (EP37p). Go to EdPay and forms ( to download the latest versions of forms.
Eligibility criteria and immersion level info
For eligibility criteria for these allowances under the different employment agreements, and explanations of the different immersion levels, please go to the Ministry of Education’s website:
Māori Immersion Allowance – Education in New Zealand
Pacific Bilingual Immersion Teaching Allowance – Education in New Zealand
8. EdPay scheduled maintenance – 26/01/2024 5–6pm
We will be doing some routine maintenance this Friday evening (26/01/2024) between 5-6pm. During this time, you may not be able to log in or perform some tasks. All services will be available again from 6pm.
Ngā mihi
Education Payroll