Payroll Update End of Year special edition

News for School Payroll Staff


Kia ora koutou

End of Year screen opens on Wednesday 16 October

End of Year is the payroll process that makes sure your employees are paid correctly over the term four holidays. If you completed last year’s End of Year process, this year’s will be very similar.

We need you to answer these questions for us:

  1. Is your school’s term four 2024 end date correct?
  2. Which employees' jobs are ending (terminating) in term four 2024?
  3. Which employees who will still be employed by the school next year will have a last working day for 2024 that is different to your school's term four end date?
  4. Have you booked annual leave for your 52-week workers?

There are some key dates for End of Year 2024

Wednesday 16 October

End of Year screen is available in EdPay

5pm, Wednesday 20 November

End of Year screen closes. End of Year processing must be complete.

When the screen closes you need to have entered:

  • school term dates
  • last day of duty
  • terminations.

You cannot change end of year information after the screen closes.

Tuesday 10 December

Main payday for pay period 19 – lump sum holiday pay is paid for:

  • term-time only employees
  • timesheet only employees,
  • teachers who started after 7 February 2024 and therefore failed the full-year test
  • teachers who are returning in 2025.

Friday 13 December

Second payday for pay period 19.

Termination pay is paid for employees whose roles were terminated between 27 November - 10 December 2024 and out-of-cycle payments.

Our website has more information about End of Year terminations


Tuesday 24 December

Main payday for pay period 20 – public holidays are paid out for eligible timesheet only employees.

Termination pay is paid for employees whose roles were terminated between 11 December – 24 December 2024 and out-of-cycle payments.

Our website has more information about End of Year terminations

Please check your EdPay access and password is up-to-date

EdPay passwords expire every 60 days and yours may need re-setting before you can complete the End of Year tasks. Please use the 'Forgot my password' link on the EdPay log in screen to reset your password. Your payroll advisor can help with this if needed.

Please let us know who we can contact if there is a payroll emergency when the school is closed

This is especially important when the school is closed over the term four holidays.

Please let us know the name, phone number and email address of your school’s designated emergency contact (who must be an authorised user) by emailing with 'Emergency contact' in the subject line.

If you've already told us who your contact will be in the End of Year/Start of Year survey, you don't need to do anything.

Terminating jobs for employees that won’t be working at your school in 2025

If an employee is not going to be working at your school in 2025, you will need to terminate their job. This will prevent overpayments.

Please make sure they are not returning to the same job in 2025 before terminating their job.

When their job is terminated, these employees won't receive any payments after their contract ends.

Use the End of Year report to include all information on terminated jobs, and have these checked and approved, before beginning the termination process. Please keep resignation letters as your school auditor is likely to want to see these.

If the employee who is leaving has EdPay access, please also complete an EP5c form to remove their authorised user access.

To change or reverse a termination after it has been submitted, send a NOVO6r form to your payroll advisor.

Term four end date 2024 must be checked in the End of Year screen

Please make sure that your term four end date for 2024 is correct before the End of Year screen closes.  You cannot change this end date after the screen closes.

End of Year processing happens in real time

Because the information you enter updates as you enter it, there is no need for an ‘End of Year complete’ button.

All the changes you need to make (school term dates, last day of duty, or terminations) must be made by 5pm, Wednesday 20 November. They won’t be able to be changed after this point.

We’ve created some resources to help you complete your End of Year tasks

End of Year website information (

End of Year video (Opens in, 3mins)
End of Year Gude 2024 (PDF, 756KB)
End of Year/Start of Year key dates flyer 2024-25 (PDF, 149KB)

Thank you for answering our End of Year / Start of Year Survey

We're working through the feedback and will be adding more guidance where we can.

We hope to have this year's annualisation information available for schools next month.

Ngā mihi

Education Payroll