Banking staffing
Each year, schools are allocated a staffing entitlement, which is funded from Ministry of Education (MoE) Teachers Salaries. This entitlement is based on the school roll. Schools can decide how they use the entitlement; usage does not have to be static across the year. Banking staffing is the management of this staffing entitlement.
See the MoE website for comprehensive information on banking staffing.
How banking staffing works
Schools have flexibility to manage their staffing entitlement over the year.
If you don't use all your staffing entitlement over a period of time, your banking staffing will be in credit (underuse). You can use this credit later in the year to employ more teachers or charge more teachers to MoE Teachers Salaries.
If you use more than your staffing entitlement, your banking staffing will be in debit (overuse). You could go into overuse during the year if you need extra staffing before you have enough credit stored.
The banking staffing year runs from pay period 23 of one year to pay period 22 of the following year. See Payroll calendar.
At the end of the banking staffing year, there is a balancing period from pay period 23 to pay period 26 to help you manage any credit or overuse.
If you overuse the staffing entitlement
If, at the end of the balancing period, a school has overused its entitlement, the MoE will deduct the overused amount from the school's July operational funding.
The repayment amount is calculated using the recovery rate multiplied by the overused full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE).
Banking staffing recovery rate
The recovery rate changes each year and is based on the average teacher salary.
If you underuse the staffing entitlement
You may be eligible for a cash reimbursement of up to 10% of your entitlement. The reimbursement rate will not be known until after the banking staffing year ends, but will be lower than the recovery rate.
See the Ministry's banking staffing page for more information about overused and underused entitlements.
Related links
- To request a bank staffing adjustment go to the Bank staffing page on the MoE's website (linked below) and scroll to the Request for Banking Staffing Adjustments application form.
Ministry of Education website: