Fortnightly pay cycle
The school pay runs on a 14-day pay cycle, beginning Wednesday (day 1) and ending Tuesday (day 14).
Most EdPay transactions are being processed immediately. Those still needing to be processed by your payroll advisor will show as submitted in the activity history. They follow the same process as EdPay and forms, including cut-off times/dates.
More info on EdPay submissions and timings
Image description
This diagram shows the key activities on each day during the pay cycle. Day 1 Wednesday Pay period begins. Termination pay from previous pay period paid (separate payslip) Day 2 Thursday 12pm cut-off out of cycle payments (submit an EP31). Day 3 Friday Out of cycle payments paid (separate payslip). Day 4 Saturday Day 5 Sunday Day 6 Monday 5pm deadline for all transactions that generate a ticket: forms, EdPay tickets (to be processed by payroll advisors in time for pay day) Day 7 Tuesday Day 8 Wednesday. Day 9 Thursday: 5.30pm cut-off EdPay pay transactions that are immediately processed, no ticket generated (after 5.30pm, submissions will be processed but paid next pay period) Day 10 Friday: 9am 1st SUE report available. 5pm deadline for SUE error adjustments (submit an EP31) Day 11 Saturday Day 12 Sunday Day 13 Monday Day 14 Tuesday 9am Final SUE report and payslips available Pay period ends Pay day midnight.
Pay periods
The pay period number counts the fortnightly pay periods 1 to 26 (or occasionally 27) from the beginning of the tax year in April.
See the Payroll calendar for pay period cut-off dates.
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