Bus controller's allowance
The Bus controller's allowance is an allowance for teachers or principals who are appointed bus controllers for a school district and who undertake the full duties of bus control.
Bus controller information is available on the Ministry of Education website: Bus controllers
Teachers and principals covered by the following employment agreements may be eligible for this allowance (if authorised by their employing school and Land Transport Agent):
Employees not eligible for Bus controller's allowance
The Bus controller's allowance was removed from the Area School Principals’ Collective Agreement 2011-2013.
Employees who are not teachers are not eligible for the Bus controller’s allowance. If you wish to pay a non-teacher for these duties as part of their normal role you will need to complete an NOVO13nt Timesheet for Non-Teaching Staff Form.
How do I apply?
The Bus Controllers' Allowance Claim Form (NOVO39t) can be found on the EdPay and forms page.