Unpaid leave and End of Year holiday pay

This page describes the impact unpaid leave has on End of Year holiday pay for school employees


Unpaid leave other than sick leave

If a teacher has taken unpaid leave of more than five consecutive days for primary teachers, more than five days in total for secondary and area teachers, then a holiday pay reduction may be applied to their pay over the term 4 holiday period. This means part of their holiday pay may be unpaid.

This holiday pay reduction is calculated at 30% of the days unpaid leave taken, less any holiday pay reduction already made during the term 1, 2, or 3 holidays.

For example, Bruce has taken leave without pay from 06/11/24 to 04/12/24, a total of 29 days. Bruce will have a holiday pay reduction of 29 x 0.3 = 9 days, applied at the end of his period of holiday pay.

Sick leave without pay (including ACC leave without pay)

If a teacher has taken sick leave without pay of more than 90 days they may have a holiday pay reduction applied to their pay over the Christmas holiday period. This means part of their holiday pay may be unpaid.

This holiday pay reduction is calculated at 30% of the days unpaid leave taken after the first 90 days, less any holiday pay reduction already made during the term 1, 2 or 3 holidays.

For example, Anahera has taken sick leave without pay from 08/08/24 to 04/12/24, a total of 105 days of leave. The first 90 days of sick leave without pay still attracts holiday pay, and Anahera was therefore paid holiday pay during the October term holidays. 105 - 90 = 15 days subject to a holiday pay reduction. Anahera will have a holiday pay reduction of 15 x 0.3 = 5 days, applied at the end of her period of holiday pay.

Term-time only auto-paid non-teaching employees

If an employee has taken more than five consecutive days of unpaid leave during the year, they will receive holiday pay calculated at a percentage of earnings, rather than a number of weeks annual leave.

For example, Matiu has an entitlement of five weeks annual leave per year as he has over 10 years' service. Matiu has taken leave without pay from 05/08/24 to 30/08/24. Because this is more than five consecutive days of unpaid leave, Matiu is no longer eligible to receive five weeks of annual leave, and will receive holiday pay based on 10% of his gross earnings instead.