Request KiwiSaver changes

Existing KiwiSaver members can request changes to be made to the employee contributions that are deducted from their pay.

For more information, see KiwiSaver for employers (Inland Revenue website).

Change contribution rate

An employee can choose to contribute 3%, 4%, 6%, 8% or 10% of their before-tax pay to their KiwiSaver scheme. If they do not specify a rate, 3% deductions will be made.

For more information, see Employee contributions to KiwiSaver accounts (Inland Revenue website).

If an employee wishes to change their contribution rate:

Note: A scanned copy of the KS2 form can be attached to the same email as the NOVO29 form.

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Opt out of KiwiSaver

If a new employee has been auto-enrolled and then chooses to opt out of KiwiSaver, they must provide a completed
KS10 - New employee opt-out request form. If they do this, email a scanned copy to the Education PayrollService Centre with a NOVO29 form.

For rules around opting out, see Opt-out requests (Inland Revenue website).

Take a savings suspension (previously known as a contributions holiday)

An employee can apply for a savings suspension if they wish to take a break from making KiwiSaver contributions. They apply to the Inland Revenue directly. For more information, see savings suspension (Inland Revenue website).

If the employee identifies their employer(s) on the application form when they apply, Inland Revenue will notify them directly. For the purposes of KiwiSaver, the Ministry of Education is the employer.

To advise the Education Payroll Service Centre of a savings suspension, email a scanned copy of the savings suspension notice to the Education Payroll Service Centre with a NOVO29 form.

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Stop KiwiSaver deductions (after age 65)

An employee can stop making contributions to their KiwSaver when they reach their withdrawal date. This is when they reach 65.

If an employee wishes to stop making contributions, do the following:

  • Provide them with a copy of the KS51 - Non-deduction notice form and ask them to return it to the school.
  • Email the completed KS51 form to the Education Payroll Service Centre.

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Record keeping

File original signed copies of the following form at the school:

  • KS51 - Non-deduction notice form, for employees over age 65.

If the employee provides a holiday contribution notice, keep a copy at the school. See Payroll record keeping for more details.

Related links

Inland Revenue website:

Request KiwiSaver changes

Existing KiwiSaver members can request changes to be made to the employee contributions that are deducted from their pay.

For more information, see KiwiSaver for employers (Inland Revenue website).

Change contribution rate

An employee can choose to contribute 3%, 4%, 6%, 8% or 10% of their before-tax pay to their KiwiSaver scheme. If they do not specify a rate, 3% deductions will be made.

For more information, see Employee contributions to KiwiSaver accounts (Inland Revenue website).

If an employee wishes to change their contribution rate:

Note: A scanned copy of the KS2 form can be attached to the same email as the NOVO29 form.

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Opt out of KiwiSaver

If a new employee has been auto-enrolled and then chooses to opt out of KiwiSaver, they must provide a completed
KS10 - New employee opt-out request form. If they do this, email a scanned copy to the Education PayrollService Centre with a NOVO29 form.

For rules around opting out, see Opt-out requests (Inland Revenue website).

Take a savings suspension (previously known as a contributions holiday)

An employee can apply for a savings suspension if they wish to take a break from making KiwiSaver contributions. They apply to the Inland Revenue directly. For more information, see savings suspension (Inland Revenue website).

If the employee identifies their employer(s) on the application form when they apply, Inland Revenue will notify them directly. For the purposes of KiwiSaver, the Ministry of Education is the employer.

To advise the Education Payroll Service Centre of a savings suspension, email a scanned copy of the savings suspension notice to the Education Payroll Service Centre with a NOVO29 form.

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Stop KiwiSaver deductions (after age 65)

An employee can stop making contributions to their KiwSaver when they reach their withdrawal date. This is when they reach 65.

If an employee wishes to stop making contributions, do the following:

  • Provide them with a copy of the KS51 - Non-deduction notice form and ask them to return it to the school.
  • Email the completed KS51 form to the Education Payroll Service Centre.

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Record keeping

File original signed copies of the following form at the school:

  • KS51 - Non-deduction notice form, for employees over age 65.

If the employee provides a holiday contribution notice, keep a copy at the school. See Payroll record keeping for more details.

Related links

Inland Revenue website: