Sending forms
Most forms can be emailed to the Education Payroll Service Centre for processing. In some cases, the original signed version of the form must be posted. In all cases, send only one version of the form.
See Completing forms for guidance when filling in forms.
Emailing forms
Send a separate email for each form that you send to the Education Payroll Service Centre. Send forms in PDF format as other file formats cannot be identified by the document scanner when they arrive at the Education Payroll Service Centre. This can delay processing, and may result in an employee being incorrectly paid.
If no signature is required, type the information directly into the PDF form then save a copy to your computer.
Attach the PDF to an email sent from your authorised user account, which has the subject line described as below, and send it to the Education Payroll Service Centre. Do not send payroll instructions in the body of the email.
If the original signed form is required, keep a copy for your records and mail it to the address given on the form.
Subject line format
It is essential that you attach only one form to each email and use the following format in the subject line:
Form number, Employee name, MoE number, School name, School number
Example: EP23NT, Jane Doe, 0123456, Sample School, 01234
For subject line format for EP31 forms, see Cut-off times for pay instructions.
Ticket numbers
Every email that is sent to the Education Payroll Service Centre will generate an email response showing a ticket number or PRN (payroll receipt number).
Write this number on the printed copy of the form. Also file the email response in a named email folder, so that you can locate it if necessary.
If you have emailed a form, do not send a second copy. If you wish to send a query about a form, locate the email from the Education Payroll Service Centre that has the original ticket number and reply to this email, so that the same ticket number is used.
If you need to change information that you have already provided to the Education Payroll Service Centre, but which has not yet been processed, please phone the Service Desk for advice before sending a replacement form.
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How to: