Attestation report
An electronic payroll report that shows the names of your school employees who are due to receive an increment (in other words, due to have their salary increased). The attestation report is available to all schools.
The attestation report is generated fortnightly in EdPay and displays a list of employees who are eligible for an increment by meeting their service requirement. Your school's report can be accessed in EdPay in the Reports section.
It is important that you regularly download and review your attestation report, as increments can occur at different times of the year.
Increments for teacher aides are automatic unless deferred. Increments for teachers and other staff must be requested manually.
Automatic yearly increments for support staff – unless deferred
Support staff who are eligible to receive annual automatic salary increments (auto increments) within the next 90 days will appear on the Auto Increments screen in EdPay and no longer appear in the Attestation report.
If the employee has met performance standards and is eligible to progress, you do not have to do anything – they will automatically receive the increment.
If the employee has not met performance standards, OR is not eligible to progress from Grade BC step 5 to step 6 (as their work remains within matrix Grade B), you will be able to defer the increment in EdPay, by selecting the Defer button next to their name on the Auto Increments screen. Schools must discuss a deferral with the employee two months before it is to be applied.
Deferrals will show in the Activity History in EdPay. Regularly check the Auto Increments screen, as increments can occur at different times of the year. For step-by-step instructions see the Auto Increments screen training page.
Note: those employees with a 22 August 2021 increment date who were employed prior to Novopay go-live will have their increment backdated to 12 February 2021. This date (12 February) will become their new anniversary date.
Manual confirmation of attestation information for teaching staff
Teachers are required to meet both service and performance requirements to be eligible to receive an increment. Schools must manually confirm that the teachers included in the report have met the performance requirements within 42 days of the report date. Education Payroll will check that the service requirements have been met.
When reviewing your school's attestation report, make a note next to each teacher's name, as follows:
- 'Y' for Yes if they have met the performance requirements for an increment
- 'N' for No if they're not entitled to an increment
- 'D' for Defer if they have met the service requirements but have not met performance requirements. Also include the new "defer to" date.
If a teacher is on the top step of their grade or qualification group, is receiving permanent units, and has been satisfactorily assessed against the professional standards, they should be marked as 'Y' on the report. Depending on their grade and step, they may be able to progress further up the salary scale.
If a teacher is on the top step of their grade or qualification group and is not receiving permanent units, they should be marked as 'N' on the report.
If a teacher is due an increment from work performed at a previous school, Education Payroll may need to gather details from the previous school and investigate the attestation. This process may take longer than other attestation requests. If this is the case, the teacher's current school will be advised of the delay and notified when the ticket has been closed.
Attestations for day-to-day relievers
Secondary and primary day-to-day relievers are eligible for an increment, subject to satisfactory performance as attested by the principal of a school where the teacher has recently been employed as a relief teacher. They are eligible for an increment after 190 days of day relief. If they have performed satisfactorily, they should be marked as 'Y' on the attestation report.
For area day-to-day relievers (only), they do not require attestation to increment up the scale. Their progression is not dependent on a response from the school. They are also eligible for an increment after 190 days of day relief. They will still appear on the attestation report, but their progression is not dependent on a response from the school.
Processing of attestations for teachers
Each time a school returns an attestation report to Education Payroll, we manually review the report for service accuracy, including dates, before loading an increment. We will identify any errors when the service is reviewed and pay the increment from the correct date. The school will be notified of any date changes when the ticket is closed.
Sometimes attestations cannot be processed in time for the draft Staff Usage and Expenditure (SUE) reports. Education Payroll makes every effort to complete all processing before pay day within the pay period the instructions are received, and will keep you advised of any delays that may arise.
Manual attestation information for non-teaching staff
To confirm eligibility of non-teaching staff listed on the attestation report, complete an EdPay pay details change request (or an EP24nt for an annualised employee) form and submit to Education Payroll. (Please note, this does not include teacher aides, who receive automatic yearly increments unless deferred.)
Where no increment is due, the employee should be marked as 'N' on the attestation report.
Visit the Attestations School report page for step-by-step instructions.
If you have questions about your attestation report that are not covered above or on this page Attestation School report, please contact us on 0508 668 6729.