Attestation School report

The Attestation School report (Attestation report) shows the names of your employees who meet the service requirement to receive a salary increment (in other words, due to have their salary increased). Depending on their employment agreement, the employee may also need to be confirmed as meeting professional standards before they can progress up the salary scale.


Use the Attestation report to check each employee's eligibility for an increment.

Schools are notified of eligible employees via this report before the salary increments are due, so that professional standards appraisals can be performed, and attestation provided before the employee becomes eligible. 

For teachers  schools must manually confirm that the teachers included in the report have met both service and performance requirements to be eligible to receive an increment. When reviewing the attestation report schools must make a note next to each teacher's name, as follows:

  • Y for Yes they have met the performance requirements for the increment
  • N for No they are not entitled to an increment
  • D for Defer they have met the service requirements but have not met performance requirements, also include the new "defer to" date.

For support staff – employees eligible for an automatic salary increase in the next 90 days will show on the Auto Increments screen in EdPay, and will not appear on attestation report. Schools can defer increments within EdPay and must notify the employee within two months if an increment is to be deferred. If the employee is eligible, they will automatically receive the increment.

For other employees – complete an EdPay pay details change request (or a EP24nt for an annualised employee) form to confirm that the employee is eligible for an increment and submit it to the Service Centre.

For more details about increments for teachers and non-teaching staff see the A-Z of Payroll section: Attestation Report.


The report is available in PDF format. For information on this file format, see CSV and PDF file formats.


Only school-wide administrators and principals can access this report.

Only principals can attest that school employees are eligible for a salary increment.


This is a fortnightly report, available on the first day of each pay period.

It is important that you regularly review this report, as increments can occur at different times of the year.
For large schools, this may need to be reviewed fortnightly.

Download the report

In EdPay go to:
  1. Reports tab > Attestation School Report 

  2. Click Download PDF to download the report.

Key tasks

  1. Save the Attestation report to your computer and print a copy.

  2. Review the report. Refer to the A-Z of Payroll Attestation School Report page.

  3. For teachers and other employees, sign, scan and email the updated report to the Service Centre.

  4. For support staff, check the Auto Increments screen and defer any teacher aides that are not eligible. Inform the employee of the deferral (within 60 days). Eligible employees will automatically receive increments.
    Schools must discuss a deferral with the teacher aide two months before it is to be applied.


The  Attestation report forms part of the 'wages and time record' that is required to be kept for six years. See Payroll record keeping.

Related links

A-Z of payroll:

Ministry of Education website:

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Attestation School report

The Attestation School report (Attestation report) shows the names of your employees who meet the service requirement to receive a salary increment (in other words, due to have their salary increased). Depending on their employment agreement, the employee may also need to be confirmed as meeting professional standards before they can progress up the salary scale.


Use the Attestation report to check each employee's eligibility for an increment.

Schools are notified of eligible employees via this report before the salary increments are due, so that professional standards appraisals can be performed, and attestation provided before the employee becomes eligible. 

For teachers  schools must manually confirm that the teachers included in the report have met both service and performance requirements to be eligible to receive an increment. When reviewing the attestation report schools must make a note next to each teacher's name, as follows:

  • Y for Yes they have met the performance requirements for the increment
  • N for No they are not entitled to an increment
  • D for Defer they have met the service requirements but have not met performance requirements, also include the new "defer to" date.

For support staff – employees eligible for an automatic salary increase in the next 90 days will show on the Auto Increments screen in EdPay, and will not appear on attestation report. Schools can defer increments within EdPay and must notify the employee within two months if an increment is to be deferred. If the employee is eligible, they will automatically receive the increment.

For other employees – complete an EdPay pay details change request (or a EP24nt for an annualised employee) form to confirm that the employee is eligible for an increment and submit it to the Service Centre.

For more details about increments for teachers and non-teaching staff see the A-Z of Payroll section: Attestation Report.


The report is available in PDF format. For information on this file format, see CSV and PDF file formats.


Only school-wide administrators and principals can access this report.

Only principals can attest that school employees are eligible for a salary increment.


This is a fortnightly report, available on the first day of each pay period.

It is important that you regularly review this report, as increments can occur at different times of the year.
For large schools, this may need to be reviewed fortnightly.

Download the report

In EdPay go to:
  1. Reports tab > Attestation School Report 

  2. Click Download PDF to download the report.

Key tasks

  1. Save the Attestation report to your computer and print a copy.

  2. Review the report. Refer to the A-Z of Payroll Attestation School Report page.

  3. For teachers and other employees, sign, scan and email the updated report to the Service Centre.

  4. For support staff, check the Auto Increments screen and defer any teacher aides that are not eligible. Inform the employee of the deferral (within 60 days). Eligible employees will automatically receive increments.
    Schools must discuss a deferral with the teacher aide two months before it is to be applied.


The  Attestation report forms part of the 'wages and time record' that is required to be kept for six years. See Payroll record keeping.

Related links

A-Z of payroll:

Ministry of Education website:

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