Change or reverse a leave booking
Change or reverse leave in EdPay, or by sending a EP12r form to the Education Payroll Service Centre.
If the employee's leave can be reversed in EdPay you will see a minus next to the name in the Leave dashboard. See: Leave reversal (EdPay training)
If you cannot reverse the leave in EdPay you'll need to send a EP12r form. To change leave dates or the leave code, you must advise on the EP12r to reverse the whole booking as it was originally entered, then re-book the leave with the correct information. (see the EP12r for instructions)
Note: If sick leave is changed to ACC leave, you must also submit the required documents. See Accidents and ACC leave.
View updated leave booking
If you have submitted a EP12r form you can view the updated leave booking in the EdPay Leave history screen as soon as the change request has been processed by your payroll advisor.
The employee's leave balance in the EdPay leave booking screen will reflect the change. The updated leave balance will also show in the next School Annual and Sick Leave report.
Record keeping
Retain a copy of any forms in the employee's file. See Payroll record keeping for guidance on keeping good records.
Related links
How to: