CSV and PDF file formats
Most of the forms, reports and other files that you will use to manage your school's payroll have either a PDF or a CSV file format. This page describes these formats and how to manage them.
PDF files
PDF (or Portable Document Format) is a file format that retains the formatting of documents exactly as intended. The content and format of PDF reports cannot be changed, so they can be printed or stored as a permanent record.
Most of our forms are PDF files, however you can type directly into them, and save the completed form to your computer before sending to Education Payroll.
To open a PDF file or fill in a form, you need to have a recent version of Adobe Reader installed on your computer. See Software requirements for smart forms.
CSV files
Some of the reports available in EdPay are provided in a CSV (or Comma-Separated Values) file format. The CSV format is also used for some form templates, particularly those used for bulk entry.
The advantage of a CSV file is that it allows you to view, filter and sort data in a spreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel.
It may also be possible to load CSV data into other systems used by your school. See SUE Report Extract File Format (PDF, 397KB) for more information.
Download the CSV file from its online location and save it to your computer. Do this by clicking on the file and following the instructions on the screen. The file displays as a spreadsheet. You may need to adjust column widths to view the entries.
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