Annual leave for 52-week non-teaching employees
These employees accrue an annual leave entitlement each fortnight. For example, a 52-week worker with 20 days entitlement has 0.767 days added to their annual leave balance each fortnight. When they book leave, the days are deducted from their leave balance. Any remaining leave balance rolls over into their next entitlement year.
Check your employee’s employment agreement carefully for full details of their leave provisions. See Employment agreements (Ministry of Education website). The NZ School Trustees Association can also help with understanding employment agreement details.
Annual leave entitlements
Employees accumulate annual leave entitlements as specified in their employment agreement. The annual leave entitlement shows on the School Annual and Sick Leave report.
Booking leave
Book annual leave for a 52-week employee either in EdPay.
Use leave code AL (Annual Leave – 52 week non teacher).
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