Manage tickets

Every email that is sent to the Education Payroll Service Centre and some requests on EdPay will generate an email response showing a task reference/ticket number or PRN (payroll receipt number). Careful management of tickets will help to avoid errors, which may result in an employee being paid incorrectly.

When checking fortnightly pay, use the following tools to help you track manual instructions.

Tips for managing ticket numbers

  • Enter or send payroll instructions as you receive them, adhering to the cut-off times. See Cut-off times for pay instructions.
  • For more tips on sending forms, see Sending forms.
  • File the email response in a named email folder, so that you can locate it if necessary. Write the ticket number and pay period if you have a printed copy of the form.
  • If you have emailed a form, do not send a second duplicate copy. If you wish to send a query about a form, locate the original email that the Education Payroll Service Centre sent with the ticket number and reply to that email, so that a new ticket number is not generated. You can also look at your 'Daily status of your tickets' email to find the ticket reference number.
  • If you need to change information that you have already provided to the Education Payroll Service Centre, but which has not yet been processed, phone the Service Desk for advice before sending a replacement form.
  • If you reply to a 'closed' ticket, the Service Centre will not see your message. Instead please call your payroll advisor and use the ticket number as reference.

'Daily status of your tickets' email

The 'Daily status of your tickets' email lists tickets that an authorised user has submitted to the Education Payroll Service Centre over the past three pay periods, but which have not yet been processed.

This email is only sent to authorised users who have outstanding tickets on any given day. If more than one authorised user at a school has outstanding tickets, separate emails will be sent to each authorised user. These are not combined into one list for the school. You will only recieve updates about the ticket that you submitted, or that have been assigned to you by Education Payroll.

If a ticket appears in the email, you do not need to call the Education Payroll Service Centre or send a duplicate form or EP31 form for it to be processed. You will receive an email notification when the instruction is processed.

When requesting a status update from the Education Payroll Service Centre on an instruction, use the original ticket number, or reply to the original email notification rather than the 'Daily status of your tickets' email.

Ticket status What it means What action should I take?
Open tickets

are open and waiting in the queue for the payroll advisor to process them

None. If the tickets were submitted before the cut-off time on Monday (day 6) at 5pm they will be processed for the pay period.
Pending customer tickets

these are tickets that we have sent back to you for action

Use the ticket number to search your email inbox for the original message from your payroll advisor.
Please review and reply to the original ticket email (we don't need a new ticket) so we can process the instruction.

Activity History

You can use your Activity History screen to check on the status of your tickets that have been submitted online. This screen shows a history of submitted requests such as add new employee and onboarding, pay details change, funding department code change, allowance change, and timesheet and leave submissions.

This screen will show you the date these requests were submitted, who submitted the request, which employee it relates to, the processing status and the task reference (ticket) number. If the submission is processed immediately by EdPay, a task reference number will not be generated. 

Some of the requests in this screen can be expanded to see more details, by clicking on the  > by the task reference number.

Below is the ticket status list for your EdPay Activity History page, and what they mean. Please see Cut-off times for pay instructions for more information on when the cut-off times are for the current pay period. 

Status What it means What action should I take?
(with no Task reference number listed)
The request has been validated and processed automatically through Edpay Check your 1st SUE report to ensure that pay details are correct
Successful  The request has been processed by your payroll advisor and the ticket has been closed Check your 1st SUE report to ensure that all employee pay details are correct 
Submitted This request is waiting in the queue to be processed by your payroll advisor
None. If the tickets were submitted before the cut-off time on Monday (day 6) at 5pm they will be processed for the pay period
These will show as 'open' in your daily ticket email. (see above)
Draft You have begun to enter information but have not submitted the request Click on the activity history to continue submission or use the Quick Tasks button to cancel the draft request if no longer needed
Customer action required This is a request that we have sent back to you as your payroll advisor needed clarification or documentation to be attached
Search your email inbox using the task reference number. Review and respond to your payroll advisor's email.
These will show as 'pending' in your daily ticket email. (see above)

See EdPay training | Update payroll requests through EdPay
In progress This request has been sent to your payroll advisor and they have assigned it to themselves and are working on it None. Your payroll advisor is working on processing this for you, if you need to follow up on it, you can call them to enquire
Request cancelled The ticket has either been cancelled by you using EdPay, or closed by your payroll advisor, without being processed.
If you feel that the request should have been processed, search your email using the task reference number to see the reason for the closed ticket. If you need to follow up, call Education Payroll and provide them with the task reference number

Related links


How to: