Payroll Update 6 March 2023

News for School Payroll Staff


Kia ora koutou

In the update

  1. Authorised User report
  2. Security reminders
  3. Check your employee's contact details in EdPay
  4. Start of Year survey
  5. Special tax codes
  6. EdPay outage on the evening of 9 March

1. Authorised User report

The Authorised User report (formerly the Online User Access report) is now available for download in EdPay | Reports.

This report lists the authorised users at your school who have log-in access to EdPay.

If you find that the report is missing authorised users, or people need to be removed or have their access level changed; please let us know by sending an:

  • EP5 form for adding or amending details to the authorised user list, or an
  • EP5c form to remove an authorised user. See EdPay and forms (

For more information see Authorised User report (

2. Security reminders

Please do not share your user ID and password with another person, or allow anyone else to use your EdPay user ID, password or email address.

Authorised users should not be sharing the listed email address with other employees, or other authorised users.

3. Check your employee's contact details in EdPay

Please check that your employee's contact details (email, phone number and postal address) are up-to-date in EdPay.

4. Start of Year survey

Start of Year is such a busy time for schools and payroll and each year we try to make the process better. Now that the Start of Year screen has closed, please tell us what worked well for you and what we could improve. Go to the Employees Dashboard in EdPay to complete a 5 question survey.

5. Special tax codes

Employees with a special tax code (also known as a tailored tax code) need to correct their tax code with Inland Revenue and Education Payroll before the end of the tax year.

Please update your employee’s tax code in EdPay for every tax instruction you receive. This will ensure that your employees’ correct tax codes take effect in pay period 1. The code for special tax codes in EdPay is STC.

To change an employee’s tax code in EdPay:

  1. Select the employee
  2. Select Financial details
  3. Scroll down to Other financial details
  4. Select the pencil icon in the right corner
  5. Select the + symbol next to the tax code to change the tax code
  6. Please ignore the start and end date that displays when you click save – your payroll advisor will update it.

For more information, please check the Inland Revenue website.

6. EdPay outage on the evening of 9 March

EdPay will be unavailable from approximately 5.30pm–9.00pm on Thursday 9 March for maintenance.

Ngā mihi
Education Payroll